
Sunday, December 6, 2015

Ajax in Oracle JDeveloper : ebook

Ajax in Oracle JDeveloper
Deepak Vohra

1 What is Ajax?
1.1 Introduction
1.2 What is XMLHttpRequest? 
1.3 XMLHttpRequest Object Properties
1.3.1 The readyState Property 
1.3.2 The onreadystatechange Property
1.3.3 The responseText Property 
1.3.4 The responseXML Property 
1.3.5 The status Property 
1.3.6 The statusText Property
1.4 XMLHttpRequest Object Methods
1.4.1 The abort() Method
1.4.2 The open() Method
1.4.3 The send() Method
1.4.4 The setRequestHeader() Method
1.4.5 The getResponseHeader() Method 
1.4.6 The getAllResponseHeaders() Method
1.5 Sending an Ajax Request
1.6 Processing an Ajax Request
1.7 JDeveloper Integrated JavaScript Editor
1.8 Summary

2 Developing an Ajax Web Application
2.1 Introduction 
2.2 Setting the Environment
2.3 Sending an Ajax Request
2.4 Processing an Ajax Request on the Server Side 
2.5 Processing an Ajax Response
2.6 Summary
3 Less JavaScript with Prototype 
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Overview of Prototype
3.2.1 $() function 
3.2.2 $F() function
3.2.3 $A() function
3.2.4 $H() function
3.2.5 $R() function
3.2.6 $w() Function
3.2.7 Try.these function()
3.2.8 Ajax.Request Class
3.2.9 Ajax.Updater Class
3.2.10 Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater Class 
3.3 Installing Prototype
3.4 Configuring Prototype in AJAX Web Application
3.5 Updating a DOM Element with Ajax.Updater 
3.6 Summary

4 Ajax with Java-GWT 
4.1 Introduction 
4.2 Installing GWT
4.3 Creating a GWT Application
4.4 GWT Class Libraries
4.5 Creating a Form Validation Ajax Application
4.6 Summary.

5 Ajax with Java-DWR
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Setting the Environment 
5.3 Creating a DWR Application
5.4 Deploying and Running the DWR Application
5.5 Summary

6 Ajax without JavaScript – AjaxTags 
6.1 Introduction 
6.2 Setting the Environment
6.3 Overview of AjaxTags
6.4 Installing AjaxTags
6.5 Validating a Form with AjaxTags 
6.6 Summary

7 Ajax with JSF-Ajax4jsf 
7.1 Introduction 
7.2 Overview of Ajax4jsf
7.2.1Ajax Filter
7.2.2 Ajax Action Components 
7.2.3 Ajax Containers 
7.2.4 JavaScript Engine 
7.2.5 Ajax4jsf Component Library
7.3 Setting the Environment 
7.4 Creating an Ajax4jsf Application
7.5 Sending an Ajax Request
7.6 Processing an Ajax Request
7.7 Processing the Ajax Response
7.8 Summary

8 Ajax with PHP-Xajax
8.1 Introduction 
8.2 Setting the Environment 
8.3 Integrating PHP with JDeveloper 
8.4 Creating a Database Table 
8.5 Sending an Ajax Request
8.6 Processing an Ajax Request
8.7 Processing the Ajax Response
8.8 Summary

9 RSS Feed with Ajax
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Overview of Google Ajax Feed API
9.3 Setting the Environment
9.4 Receiving a RSS Feed
9.5 Receiving Multiple Feeds
9.6 Summary

XIV Contents
10 Web Search with Ajax
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Setting the Environment for Google Search
10.3 Overview of Google Ajax Search API 
10.4 Creating a Google Ajax Web Search Application 
10.5 Web Search with Yahoo Web Services
10.6 Creating an Ajax Web Search Application for Yahoo 
10.7 Sending an Ajax Request with Yahoo Search Web Services
10.8 Running the Yahoo Ajax Web Search Application
10.9 Summary

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